This is me.

I’m Alaina (she/her) - Lover of books, lattes, chance meetings, and storytelling. I’m glad you’re here!

I’m 32 years old, currently existing in Ireland, but not planted anywhere. I was born and raised in Central New York and have spent most of my adult life near Boston, when I’m not following a whim to a different corner of the world.

I feel passionately about re-defining “therapy” and making mental wellness more accessible around the world. I am proudly disabled and chronically ill and am determined to improve healthcare systems worldwide. I believe taking care of each other is the only way through this.

Check back for more information soon!

If you have requests for specific information, please reach out!

  • My answer to this question, I hope, will continue to change. Currently, I’m enjoying my time in Scotland and Ireland, learning more about my own heritage, enjoying the music and the sense of community it harbors, and hiking through emerald fields. That said, I’ve loved every trip I’ve made to Spain (for their quirky people and delicious food), enjoyed my time in Italy (especially in the fall when everything in the north turns golden), and covet my time in Peru (for its generous people, bright colors, and dramatic geography)!

  • Aside from my family and friends of course, I sincerely miss my dance community. Dance is universal, but the power that comes from committing to a piece and creating something beautiful together is hard to find everywhere.

    Also maple oat milk lattes. I miss them a lot.

  • I’ve been working on a Young Adult Fantasy series for years - long before I even put pen to paper to start physically writing it. I’ve known and loved the main characters for most of my life, so it’s been a hard thing for me to try to share them with the world, but it’s an exciting challenge, too. I hope to finally complete a draft of their story this year.

  • Again, I hope this will continue to change as I learn and grow, but for a few years now I’ve been really attached to the imagery of a compass. We do not get a road map in life — no one will tell us where life’s twists and turns are taking us. The best we can do is set our compass due north and follow that arrow as best we can. North is different for everyone. It can be a feeling, an image of the person you want to be… whatever it is, it has to be yours and yours alone. Then trust that magnetic pull and check in on it frequently. Life will turn us around sometimes. The path isn’t straight. But follow your compass and you’ll get exactly where you need to be.