
I have a master’s in International Disaster Psychology: Trauma and Global Mental Health, with specializations in advocacy and program evaluation.

I am a licensed Wellness Coach, a practiced trainer, an experienced public speaker, a writer, and I have over 10 years of experience working in the travel industry, with more than 5 years’ experience in emergency preparedness and response and 8 years of management and team-building experience.

I am eager to learn more about how I may support you or your organization. Click through the categories to learn more about services or reach out directly for additional information.

  • Individual and group life and wellness coaching — more coming soon!

  • Live, virtual, and recorded talks available — more coming soon!

  • Program evaluation, training and resource development, and information on relevant mental health or career development topics — more coming soon!

  • Travel writing, copy writing, editing, and book reviews — more coming soon!

  • I am available to promote brands and services that align with my mission and my communities’ needs. Please visit my Partnerships Page for more information.

More information on available services and pricing coming soon.

Check back for details!