Alaina Sawyer Alaina Sawyer

September 4: Cracking Open

All day today I have felt like my chest was cracking open. I have continued to press my hand over my heart just to keep it from bursting through me.

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Alaina Sawyer Alaina Sawyer

August 17: Meet Louise (Derry)

Here we are more than a year later and I am back in Louise’s garden… This is what I love about travel - the trust it requires in other people, the openness it encourages.

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Where have I been? / Where am I going?

Calendar shows recent blog posts about where I’ve been, as well as upcoming travel and events so you can follow along on my journey!

Want to partner?

If you’re a travel board, hotel, agency, or service, I’d love to share your product with my audience!

I seek to work with brands, companies, and individuals that help make travel more responsible and accessible and that promote inclusivity, learning, and cultural exchange.